Pac-Man underwear, nice warm jumpers and mining tycoons…

Never let it be said that I don’t have some variety in what I write.
Well, OK, two of today’s articles might just have something to do with Apple. But the other one doesn’t limit itself to just one kind of fruit.
First up, at Hydrapinion, my stint standing in for Stephen Withers comes to an end with a column about Apple store locations:
Hydrapinion: Who chooses Apple store locations? “You’re probably aware that the iPad goes on sale in Australia on Friday. “On Sale” being a somewhat relative term.”
And then at PC Authority a quick guide on the best way to score an iPad tomorrow if you don’t already have one. In a case of dogfooding my own advice, I’ll be following some of the steps in this one myself — except for the camping out overnight bit.
‘Twas the night before Christmas…countdown begins for Apple iPad die-hards: “If you’re a die-hard Apple fan, it may as well be Christmas eve, with the iPad less than 24 hours from “official” on-sale date in Australia. If you’re one of them, here’s what awaits you.”
And now, as Mr Cleese used to be fond of saying, something completely different. Something that focuses on underwear, bins, pasta, cartoons and ultra-cheesy 80s teen comedies. Yup, that could only describe Pac-Man.
Vintage Tech: Looking back at the Pac-Man phenomenon: “We suspect you could grab every page that Google’s ever indexed, and you still wouldn’t match the mountain of Pac-Man merchandise over the last thirty years.”

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