Movember: Day Fourteen: Should I Stay Or Should I Mo'?

We’re nearly at the halfway point, and an important decision beckons…

Do I need permanent facial furniture?
Do I need permanent facial furniture?

As of tomorrow, you should be able to vote on my Mo’ via my Movember donations page which means I’ve got to update the photo that’s there. That also means that your last chance to see the pic of last year’s Mo runs out tomorrow. What should you do? Why, rush to my Movember donations page and check out last year’s model while you still can, and make a donation while you’re there!
As it’s very nearly the half-way mark, I’m also inching closer to the point where the Mo’ tips over from having more time to live than it’s had to live, and less time left than before. Or something like that. I never could handle tricky maths.
Or does it? I’ve had some nice goatees over the years (well, I liked them, anyway…). Should I keep the Mo’ or should it go? I’d be happy to take advice on this obviously key issue from anyone. Well, anyone who’s donated via my Movember donations page, that is. Can’t just let anybody comment…
Speaking of my Movember donations page, as of today, the running total is…


Which is great and everything — every little bit counts — but it’s also the same figure it was yesterday. Only by visiting my Movember donations page can you donate and creep that figure upwards. Remember, anything you give above $2 should be tax deductible (Aussie citizens only; no idea for international types), and it’s for a great cause.
Hey, did I mention my Movember donations page? I’d hate to forget to mention something important like that.

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