I ain't nothing but tired, Man I'm just tired and bored with myself…

Mostly tired, though.
A 2am-5am working sprint will do that to you. In the middle of writing down words of wisdom, though, I was also struck with the inspiration to check out Lynx, the text-only web browser of no small antiquity. Oddly enough, although I’ve been in the tech game for quite some time, I’d never actually bothered to try Lynx. I can’t really say why, but then again I can’t really say why I suddenly woke up at 2am with a brain full of writing ideas, either. Sometimes, these things just happen. Anyway, getting back to Lynx, I rather like what it does to this web site, but then I do have a rather old-school mentality:


But you probably didn’t come here for that. Why did you come here? (answers in the comment field, please. Spelling is important, and there may be a test later).
You possibly came here for something slightly more cutting edge. Like say, this, live now at GadgetGuy.com.au:
Apple Mac Mini 2009 model: “Apple’s long-awaited update to the Mac mini addresses just about every concern a Mac Mini fan of old could have had.”

2 thoughts on “I ain't nothing but tired, Man I'm just tired and bored with myself…”

  1. “Apple’s long-awaited update to the Mac mini addresses just about every concern a Mac Mini fan of old could have had.”
    Everything except the price! Still, the Aussie dollar hasn’t done us any favours recently…

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