Movember Day 6: Method of Mo' dern Love…

In which family members get involved. More after the jump…

Slightly more hair, although I’ve realised that some of it is coming through blonde (silence in the back there!) so it’s not photographing well. The fact that I’m using the crappy embedded iSight camera might have something to do with it too…
In any case, joining the role of people who are officially excellent are my siblings, Angus and Anna*, both of whom have given heartily. What makes that more interesting is that neither of them is in Australia at the moment — Gus is (I think) in San Francisco (although he may have still been in London when he actually donated) whereas Anna is in the coldest, darkest Canada. Well, maybe not darkest. And it’s probably relatively temperate right there right now. But in any case, they gave — and from halfway across the planet!
Truly, there’s no reason why you can’t give too.
Click this link:
and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or
Write a cheque payable to ‘Movember Foundation’, referencing my Registration Number 1475081 and mail it to:
Movember Foundation
PO Box 292
Prahran VIC 3181

Those who see me in person are welcome to throw money my way.
Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible.
* Don’t ask about the “A” thing, OK? Just don’t.

1 thought on “Movember Day 6: Method of Mo' dern Love…”

  1. I was in fact in San Francisco when I donated, but I’m in LA right now. Disturbingly, having left my razor behind in SF, my two-day growth looks longer than yours, though I’m guessing that’s an iSight optical illusion.

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