Movember, Day 21: Mo'mentum

I don’t have much momentum today… but the donations keep coming anyway.

After three days with evening Christmas events to attend, and very little sleep, and family members with exams, and deadlines to meet… it’s no wonder I’m left a bit lacking in momentum. Heck, as the above photo shows, even when the Predator dropped in, my otherwise smokin’ hot Mo couldn’t muster any heat.
Not that this has stopped the true believers, oh no. Huge thanks go out today to the mighty Vorn.O (his stage name, so I’m told), who contributed until it hurt (and possibly in order that it not hurt in the near future). The man is a legend, albeit a U2-obsessed legend. Hey, everybody’s got a weakness.
Mine is asking people for charity donations. People like you. So, why not…
click this link:
and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or
Write a cheque payable to ‘Movember Foundation’, referencing my Registration Number 1475081 and mail it to:
Movember Foundation
PO Box 292
Prahran VIC 3181

Those who see me in person are welcome to throw money my way.
Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible, and ensure you, like Vorn, Legend status in the big book of Alex. It’s starting to become a mighty big book, and you wouldn’t want to miss out — would you?
(wow. This would appear to be my 1,000th entry. Myabe I do have some Momentum after all…)

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