Quickflix revamps pricing plans

There’s a dearth of options open to Australian customers when it comes to streaming services — not helped by our generally woeful online speeds — which leads many to use VPNs and services such as Netflix. Local competitor Quickflix has revamped its pricing structures with a hybrid disc/online model.
Three plans are on offer, with the primary difference being the number of physical discs — either DVD or Blu-Ray — customers can have out at any one time. $14.99/month gets you a single disc, $24.99 scores you two discs and the top-tier plan is good for 3 discs at once. All plans include access to Quickflix’s streaming service for up to six registered devices.
Offering up discs and streaming is an interesting play; as I alluded to last week, there are plenty of entertainment consumers who don’t really think in terms of discs at all any more, and I’d be surprised if Quickflix’s model wasn’t more profitable on a pure streaming basis in any case.
Source: Quickflix
Image: Quickflix

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