Win Skylanders Swap Force!

Skylanders Swap Force is a great game — I’ve recently said so myself — and you could win a copy of the game on the platform of your choice!
Thanks to Activision Blizzard, I’ve got a copy of Skylanders Swap Force to give away to one lucky Fat Duck Tech reader.
If you’re curious about Skylanders: Swap Force, you can read my full review here.
If you’re keen to play but lacking in a crucial copy, then all you have to do is enter the competition!
Entering is easy. Really easy. So easy you could cut it in two, fit two halves together and call that a new Swap Force character.
Actually, that pretty much is what you need to do.
1) Create a brand new Swap Force character out of two different parts — whatever they may be — and write that as your entry. Be funny, or silly, or creative. You don’t have to draw them, but you do need to describe them. So, as an example “head of a mouse, body of a blancmange is MouMange.”
(frankly, I’m pretty sure you can do better, although I now want to play as a character who is half-mouse, half blancmange)
2)Enter in the comment field below with your choice of platform — Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii U.
3)The competition runs from 4pm on the 29/10/2013 through to midnight on the 5/11/2013, and luck plays no part in the competition.
Full terms and conditions can be found here.

8 thoughts on “Win Skylanders Swap Force!”

  1. Haha this is harder than I thought.
    A Killer Whale with legs of a kangaroo, built for speed and random bouts of seal hunting, it roams the ocean occasionally coming to shore in order to terrorise the local sheep seals (themselves seal with a luxurious, water resistant wool)

  2. An interesting challenge.
    What about the head of a duck and the body of an octopus? The Ducktopus has a nice ring to it.

  3. The head of a Narwhal combined with the body of an Andean Condor.
    You’re just walking along and then *BAM* nar-condor horn through the chest.
    (Xbox 360)

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