Intel has a computer running on wine

One drink for me, one drink for the processor. Hic!
At the keynote on day three of IDF, Aussie anthropologist Dr Genevieve Bell
talked at length about the future of mobile computing. I’ll put that together later, but first, here’s a computer that turns wine into power.
It’s only a power demonstration research prototype at this stage. To give this some context, it was part of a discussion on low power computing, and how we need to move from watts to milliwatts to microwatts in terms of power.
If you’re curious, it was a Charles Shaw 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon. I may have been the only journalist to check that detail, for whatever that means.
According to Dr Bell — because again, I felt compelled to ask — Chilean wine is best, “because you want something really acidic.”
Disclaimer: Alex Kidman travelled to San Francisco as a guest of Intel.

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