Doctor Who: The Tardis is now on Streetview

Ever wanted to explore the inside of the Tardis? Of course you have — and now you can, via Google’s Streetview.
It worries me sometimes quite how much Google knows — it’s almost like it’s, say, a great intelligence of some sort — but this is exceptionally cool. There’s a Police Box on Earl’s Court Road in London (at this link), which is cool enough in its own way. But if you click on the double arrow pointing to it, or press up on a keyboard if you’re in Google Maps new interface, you go somewhere else instead.

Someone's been through and dusted. Does the Doctor own a robot vacuum cleaner?
Someone’s been through and dusted. Does the Doctor own a robot vacuum cleaner?

It’s not a map of the entire Tardis, mind you, but then again, logically speaking, the interior of the Tardis is infinite. Presumably that means there must be one of those autonomous Google cars mapping it out lost somewhere within. Perhaps it’ll find the missing Cyberman and Sontarans still stuck in there.
Source: Lifehacker

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