
You took a whole lotta loving for a handful of nothing…

How would you measure that handful of nothing? Presumably not by weight. Why is it a handful, anyway? I could deliver nothing by the truckload, in my special fleet of invisible trucks, for a low, low price!* In the land of not-nothing, yesterday’s Windkintosh story has been slashdotted, and predictably, the Slashdotiverse thinks I suck,

You took a whole lotta loving for a handful of nothing… Read More »

Somehow, I found myself on a Jet Boat in the middle of Sydney Harbour…

In the middle of a cold Winter’s day this week. This should, perhaps, have come as something of a surprise, if I wasn’t in fact running around writing stuff faster than should be technically possible, and thus not always paying as much attention to my immediate surroundings as I perhaps should be. Thankfully, I’ve got

Somehow, I found myself on a Jet Boat in the middle of Sydney Harbour… Read More »